Pessary Fitting
Envision Physiotherapy is the only clinic in Vancouver that is has a team of pelvic floor physiotherapists that can assess, prescribe and fit you with an internal assistive device called a pessary to help stop your incontinence and/or support organ prolapse.
A pessary is an internal assistive device that is worn in the vagina to stop incontinence or support pelvic organ prolapse. It can be easily inserted and removed by the wearer and should not be felt when using it. It can be used just for activities when the prolapse is bothersome, such as running or jumping, or kept in all day long if needed. It helps the user to become symptom free and return to the activities they want to do without leaking urine or experiencing the symptoms of prolapse. You should not feel the pessary, not leak urine and not feel any prolapse when wearing the pessary.
Pessaries are made of a soft, flexible silicone and offer a low-risk, effective option for treatment of symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse and/or bladder control management. Current practice guidelines recommend that all people with urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse should be offered pelvic floor exercises and a pessary as first treatment options. [Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada: 43 (2) Feb 2021 & 42 (4) April 2020]
Reasons people choose to use a pessary include:
- Relief of vaginal or rectal heaviness related to prolapse
- Relief from urinary incontinence (urine leakage)
- Unsure they want to have surgery for urine leakage or prolapse
- Does not want to have surgery
- Not a candidate for surgery
- To try and prevent increasing prolapse
Please come to your pessary fitting appointment with clothing, including shoes, appropriate for a 5-10 minute brisk walk or run outdoors. You will be doing this to have the best test possible that you are purchasing the correct pessary for your needs. We do our best to have the first pessary you purchase be the one that will work for you ongoing. Sometimes different pessaries need to be trialed after the initial one is tried at home as we cannot fully simulate the typical demands made on your bladder and pelvic organs in your daily life.
At your appointment you will be fit with a pessary, you will be asked to go for a brisk walk or run with a pessary in place. After the activity you will then empty your bladder. If all is good, you will then learn how to insert and remove the pessary. Once a pessary is fit, you will then need to purchase the specific size and type of pessary identified during your appointment. If you are not able to, or prefer not to, a pessary can still be an option for you. Please contact the clinic to discuss this option.
We do not sell pessaries at the clinic. Pessaries can be purchased at specific pharmacies or online. We can provide purchasing information. You will need to return for follow up fitting in approximately 2 weeks from the time you start using your pessary. Sometimes it takes more than one fitting appointment to find the pessary that is best for you.
Meet our team of pelvic health physios who are available to help you.

*Contact us if you have any more questions regarding Pelvic Health Physiotherapy